Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Wellmer

1991 - 1997
Studium der Humanmedizin, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn Praktisches Jahr in London (UK), Bonn und Euskirchen
Promotion zum Dr. med., Institut für Neuropathologie der Universität Bonn, Prof. Dr. O.D. Wiestler

1998 - 2006
Arzt im Praktikum und Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Epileptologie, Universität Bonn mit Rotationen in die Kliniken für Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Neurochirurgie. Post-Doc Labor für experimentelle Epileptologie, Klinik für Epileptologie, Universität Bonn Wiss. Mitarbeiter Gruppe „funktionelle Bildgebung“, Klinik für Epileptologie, Universität Bonn, und Medicin Center Bonn


Facharzt für Neurologie

2006 – 2009

Oberarzt, Klinik für Epileptologie, Universität Bonn


1-monatiger Gastarztaufenthalt am “Centro Claudio Munari per la Chirurgia dell Epilessia”, Osperdale Niguarda, Mailand (I)

Seit 2010

Leitender Arzt der Ruhr-Epileptologie, W2-Professor für Epileptologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

10/2022 - 09/2023
Kommissarischer Direktor der Klinik für Neurologie; UK Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum

Hauptmannpreis der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Ligen gegen Epilepsie

2015 bis 2020
Fokusliste Top Mediziner Deutschlands, Fachgebiet Epilepsien

Stern-Ärzteliste "Empfehlenswerte Ärzte im Bereich Epilepsie"

  • Dt. Gesellschaft für Epileptologie (Zertifikat Epileptologie plus)
  • Dt. Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie (EEG-Zertifikat, EEG-Ausbildungsberechtigter der DGKN)
  • Dt. Gesellschaft für Neurologie
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft für prächirurgische Diagnostik und operative Epilepsietherapie (Zertifikat Epileptologie)
  • Münsteraner Arbeitskreis

Kommission strukturelle Bildgebung der Dt. Gesellschaft für Epileptologie (Vorsitzender). Ziel der Kommission: Erarbeitung Epilepsie-spezifischer Empfehlungen zur Bildgebung
Kommission digitale Medizin der Dt. Gesellschaft für Epileptologie

Vorlesungen im Rahmen des Medizinstudiums der Ruhr-Universtität Bochum (6. und 10. Semester)

Praktikum Epileptologie (6. und 10. Semester)

PJ-Seminar Epileptologie

Mitglied der Faculty, Baltic See Summer School on Epilepsy (BSSSE) 2011-2013, 2015-2017, 2019, 2022-2024

Gründer und Direktor der Summer School on Imaging in Epilepsy (SuSIE) 2015-2021 sowie des Annual Meetings on Imagnig and Electrophysiology (AMIE) 2020 und 2021 - seit 2023 fortgeführt als ILAE Summer School on Neuroimaging (AMIE & SuSIE

Mitglied der Faculty, Praxisseminar über Epilepsie der Stiftung Michael, Gargnano, 2013

Fortbildungesakademie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie, Bildgebung bei Epilepsien, 2012-2015

Lehrbetrieb des Focused Michael Fellowhip Programms der Stiftung Michael

Vortragender bei Facharztrepititorien

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Johannes Schwarz, Lena Will, Jörg Wellmer, Axel Mosig. A Patch-based Student-Teacher Pyramid Matching Approach to Anomaly Detection in 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research – Accepted:1–14, 2024.

Michaelis R, Knake S, Rosenow F, Grönheit W, Hamer H, Schmitz B, Accarie A, Dedeken P, Immisch I, Habermehl L, Zöllner JP, Mann C, Wehner T, Wellmer J, Cuny J, Gollwitzer S, Losch F, Krämer K, Voss KS, Heinen G, Strzelczyk A. A multicenter randomized controlled feasibility trial of a digital self-management intervention for adults with epilepsy. Epilepsia Open. 2024 Apr 30.
Drexler R, Ricklefs FL, Ben-Haim S, Rada A, Wörmann F, Cloppenborg T, Bien CG, Simon M, Kalbhenn T, Colon A, Rijkers K, Schijns O, Borger V, Surges R, Vatter H, Rizzi M, de Curtis M, Didato G, Castelli N, Carpentier A, Mathon B, Yasuda CL, Cendes F, Chandra PS, Tripathi M, Clusmann H, Delev D, Guenot M, Haegelen C, Catenoix H, Lang J, Hamer H, Brandner S, Walther K, Hauptmann JS, Jeffree RL, Kegele J, Weinbrenner E, Naros G, Velz J, Krayenbühl N, Onken J, Schneider UC, Holtkamp M, Rössler K, Spyrantis A, Strzelczyk A, Rosenow F, Stodieck S, Alonso-Vanegas MA, Wellmer J, Wehner T, Dührsen L, Gempt J, Sauvigny T. Defining benchmark outcomes for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: A global multicenter analysis of 1119 cases. Epilepsia. 2024;65:1333-1345.

Lahtinen J, Koulouri A, Rampp S, Wellmer J, Wolters C, Pursiainen S. Standardized hierarchical adaptive Lp regression for noise robust focal epilepsy source reconstructions. Clin Neurophysiol. 2024;159:24-40.

Jungilligens J, Flohr MC, Lange M, Wellmer J, Popkirov S. The relationship of action, affect, and metacognition in functional seizures. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023;45:1003-1013.
Cengiz O, Jungilligens J, Michaelis R, Wellmer J, Popkirov S. Dissociative seizures in the emergency room: room for improvement. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2024 13;95:294-299.

Unnwongse K, Rampp S, Wehner T, Kowoll A, Parpaley Y, von Lehe M, Lanfer B, Rusiniak M, Wolters C, Wellmer J. Validating EEG source imaging using intracranial electrical stimulation. Brain Commun. 2023 Feb 7;5(1):fcad023. 

Grönheit W, Behrens V, Liakina T, Kellinghaus C, Noachtar S, Popkirov S, Wehner T, Brammen E, Wellmer J. Teaching distinguishing semiological features improves diagnostic accuracy of seizure-like events by emergency physicians. Neurol Res Pract. 2022 Nov 14;4(1):56. 

Seidel S, Wehner T, Miller D, Wellmer J, Schlegel U, Grönheit W. Brain tumor related epilepsy: pathophysiological approaches and rational management of antiseizure medication. Neurol Res Pract. 2022 Sep 5;4(1):45.

Michaelis R, Schlömer S, Popkirov S, Krämer G, Lindemann A, Cosentino M, Reuber M, Heinen G, Wellmer J, Grönheit W, Wehner T, Schlegel U, Scott AJ, Gandy M. German translation and validation of the brief Epilepsy Anxiety Survey Instrument (brEASI). Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Sep;134:108857.

Bellartz E, Pertz M, Jungilligens J, Kleffner I, Wellmer J, Schlegel U, Thoma P, Popkirov S. Point-of-Care Testing Using a Neuropsychology Pocketcard Set: A Preliminary Validation Study. Brain Sci. 2022 May 27;12(6):694.

Drexler R, Ben-Haim S, Bien CG, Borger V, Cardinale F, Carpentier A, Cendes F, Chandra S, Clusmann H, Colon A, de Curtis M, Delev D, Didato G, Dührsen L, Farah JO, Guenot M, Ghatan S, Haegelen C, Hamer H, Hauptmann JS, Jeffree RL, Kalbhenn T, Kegele J, Krayenbühl N, Lang J, Mathon B, Naros G, Onken J, Panov F, Raftopoulos C, Ricklefs FL, Rijkers K, Rizzi M, Rössler K, Schijns O, Schneider UC, Spyrantis A, Strzelczyk A, Stodieck S, Tripathi M, Vadera S, Alonso-Vanegas MA, Vaz JGR, Wellmer J, Wehner T, Westphal M, Sauvigny T. Enhancing Safety in Epilepsy Surgery (EASINESS): Study Protocol for a Retrospective, Multicenter, Open Registry. Front Neurol. 2021 Dec 13;12:782666.

Michaelis R, Schlömer S, Lindemann A, Behrens V, Grönheit W, Pertz M, Rammé S, Seidel S, Wehner T, Wellmer J, Schlegel U, Popkirov S. Screening for Psychiatric Comorbidities and Psychotherapeutic Assessment in Inpatient Epilepsy Care: Preliminary Results of an Implementation Study. Front Integr Neurosci. 2021 Oct 12;15:754613.

Wehner T, Weckesser P, Schulz S, Kowoll A, Fischer S, Bosch J, Weinhold L, Fimmers R, Schmid M, Wellmer J. Factors influencing the detection of treatable epileptogenic lesions on MRI. A randomized prospective study. Neurol Res Pract. 2021 Aug 9;3(1):41.

Rammé S, Mues S, Popkirov S, Widman G, Zuberi SM, Wellmer J (2021) Handyvideos als diagnostisches Instrument anfallsartig auftretender Ereignisse. Z.Epileptolol. 34: 284-288.

Mues S, Grönheit W, Wehner T, Wellmer J (2021) Tele-Epileptologie Ruhr: Zwischenevaluation eines telemedizinischen Modellprojektes. Z.Epileptolol. 34: 311-317.

Grönheit W, Behrens V, Liakina T, Kellinghaus C, Noachtar S, Popkirov S, Wehner T, Brammen E, Wellmer J (2022) Teaching distinguishing semiological features improves diagnostic accuracy of seizure-like events bey emergency physicians. Neurology Research and Practice: In Press.
Mues S, Hamer HM, von Podewils F, Sotoodeh A, Rosenow F, Wellmer J, Zöllner JP. Telemedizin in der Epilepsieversorgung: Arzt-zu-Arzt-Anwendungen. Teil I: State-of-the-Art, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven. Z. Epileptol. 34, 294–298 (2021).
Mues S, Hamer HM, von Podewils F, Sotoodeh A, Rosenow F, Wellmer J, Zöllner JP. Telemedizin in der Epilepsieversorgung: Arzt-zu-Arzt-Anwendungen. Teil II: Aktuelle Projekte in Deutschland. Z. Epileptol. 34, 299–305 (2021).
Ismail FS, Spatola M, Woermann FG, Popkirov S, Jungilligens J, Bien CG, Wellmer J, Schlegel U. Diagnostic challenges in patients with temporal lobe seizures and features of autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Eur J Neurol. 2022 May;29(5):1303-1310.

Jungilligens J, Wellmer J, Kowoll A, Schlegel U, Axmacher N, Popkirov S. Microstructural integrity of affective neurocircuitry in patients with dissociative seizures is associated with emotional task performance, illness severity and trauma history. Seizure 2021;84: 91 - 98

David B, Kröll-Seger J, Schuch F, Wagner J, Wellmer J, Woermann F, Oehl B, van Paesschen W, Breyer T, Becker A, Vatter H, Hattingen E, Urbach H, Weber B, Surges R, Elger CE, Huppertz HJ, Rüber T. External validation of automated focal cortical dysplasia detection using morphometric analysis. 2021;62:1005-1021.

Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Jungilligens J, Wehner T, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Suggestive seizure inductin for inpatients with suspected psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia 2020;61:1931-1938

Ramm M, Möddel G, Sundermann B, Last A, Langenbruch L, Jungilligens J, Wellmer J, Young P, Axmacher N. Impaired processing of response conflicts in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neuropsychol 2020;14: 283 - 300

Jungilligens J, Wellmer J, Schlegel U, Kessler H, Axmacher N, Popkirov S. Impaired emotional and behavioural awareness and control in patients with dissociative seizures. Psychol Med. 2019;18: 1 - 9

Saif-Ur-Rehman M, Lienkämper R, Parpaley Y, Wellmer J, Liu C, Lee B, Kellis S, Andersen RA, Iossifidis I, Glasmachers T, Klaes C. SpikeDeeptector: A deep-learning based method for detection of neural spiking activity. J Neural Eng. 2019;16: 056003.doi:10.1088/1741 - 2552/ab1e63

Kasper BS, Rössler K, Hamer HM, Dörfler A, Blümeke I, Coras R, Roesch J, Mennecke A, Wellmer J, Sommer B, Lorber B, Lang JD, Graf W, Stefan H, Schwab S, Buchfelder M, Rampp S. Coregistrating magnetic source and magnetic resonance imaging for epilepsy surgery in focal cortical dysplasia. Neuroimage Clin. 2018;19: 487 - 496

Grönheit W, Popkirov S, Wehner T, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Practical management of epileptic seizures and status epilepticus in adult palliative care patients. Front. Neurol. 2018;9:595. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00595

Popkirov S, Jungilligens J, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Research on dissociative seizure: A bibliometric analysis and visualization of the scientic landscape. Epilepsy Behav. 2018;83: 162 - 167

Wellmer J. Lesion focused radiofrequency thermocoagulation of bottom-of-sulcus focal cortical dysplasia type IIb: Conceptional considerations with regard to the epileptic zone. Epilepsy Res. 2018;[142: 143 -148

Popkirov S, Sebastian A, Wellmer J. Latent autoimmune diabetes and limbic encephalitis with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase. J Diabetes 2018;10: 338 - 340

Popkirov S, Ismail FS, Grönheit W, Kapauer M, Wellmer J, Bien CG. Progressive hippocampal sclerosis after viral encephalitis: Potential role of NMDA receptor antibodies. Seizure. 2017;51: 6 - 8

Wellmer J, Machado M, von Lehe M, Voges J, Parpaley Y. Läsionsorientierte Radiofrequenz-Thermokoagulation (L-RFTC) fokaler kortikaler Dysplasien. Z Epileptol 2017;30: 105 – 112

Voges J, Wellmer J, Büntjen L, Schmitt FC. Radiofrequenz-Thermoablation – die neurochirurgische Sicht. Z Epileptol 2017;30: 98 – 104

Popkirov S, Jungilligens J, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Diagnosing psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Video-EEG monitoring, suggestive seizure induction and diagnostic certainty. Epilepsy Behav. 2017;73: 54 - 58

Popkirov S, Ayzenberg I, Hahn S, Bauer J, Denno Y, Rieckhoff N, Radzimski C, Hans VH, Berg S, Roghmann F, Noldus J, Bien CG, Skodda S, Wellmer J, Stöcker W, Krogias C, Gold R, Schlegel U, Probst C, Komorowski L, Miske R, Kleiter I. Rho-associated protein kinase 2 (ROCK2): a new target of autoimmunity in paraneoplastic encephalitis. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2017;5: 40

Aydin Ü, Rampp S, Wollbrink A, Kugel H, Cho J-, Knösche TR, Grova C, Wellmer J, Wolters CH. Zoomed MRI Guided by Combined EEG/MEG Source Analysis: A Multimodal Approach for Optimizing Presurgical Epilepsy Work-up and its Application in a Multi-focal Epilepsy Patient Case Study. Brain Topogr. 2017;30: 417 - 433

Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Paroxysmal belching: Epileptic or nonepileptic? Epilepsy Behav Case Rep. 2016;5: 11 - 12

Wellmer J, Voges J, Parpaley Y. Lesion guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (L-RFTC) for hypothalamic hamartomas, nodular heterotopias and cortical dysplasias: review and perspective. Seizure 2016;41: 206 - 210

Wellmer J, Parpaley Y, Rampp S, Popkirov S, Kugel H, Aydin Ü, Wolters CH, von Lehe M, Voges J. Lesion guided stereotactic radiofrequency thermocoagulation for palliative, in selected cases curative epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Res. 2016;121: 39 - 46

Ismail FS, Popkirov S, Wellmer J, Grönheit W. Faciobrachio-crural dystonic seizures in LGI1 limbic encephalitis: A treatable cause of falls. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm October 2015 vol. 2 no. 5 e146.

Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. A systematic review of suggestive seizure induction for the diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Seizure. 2015;31: 124 - 132

Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Hyperventilation and photic stimulation are useful additions to a placebo-based suggestive seizure induction protocol in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsy Behav. 2015;46: 88 - 90

Aydin Ü, Vorwerk J, Dümpelmann M, Küpper P, Kugel H, Heers M, Wellmer J, Kellinghaus C, Haueisen J, Rampp S, Stefan H, Wolters CH. Combined EEG/MEG can outperform single modality EEG or MEG source reconstruction in presurgical epilepsy diagnosis. PLoS One. 2015;11;10(3)

Heers M, Hirschmann J, Jacobs J, Dümpelmann M, Butz M, von Lehe M, Elger CE, Schnitzler A, Wellmer J. Frequency domain beamforming of magnetoencephalographic beta band activity in epilepsy patients with focal cortical dysplasia. Epilepsy Res. 2014;108: 1195 - 1203

Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Recurrent loss of consciousness despite DDD pacing: psychogenic pseudosyncope in a 19-year-old man. Clin Res Cardiol. 2014;103: 755 - 750.

Aydin Ü, Vorwerk J, Küpper P, Heers M, Kugel H, Galka A, Hamid L, Wellmer J, Kellinghaus C, Rampp S, Wolters CH. Combining EEG and MEG for the reconstruction of epileptic activity using a calibrated realistic volume conductor model. PLoS One. 201426;9(3): e93154

Wellmer J, Kopitzki K, Voges J. Lesion focused stereotactic thermo-coagulation of focal cortical dysplasia IIB: a new approach to epilepsy surgery? Seizure. 2014;23: 475 - 478

Wellmer J, Quesada CM, Rothe L, Elger CE, Bien CG, Urbach H. Proposal for a magnetic resonance imaging protocol for the detection of epileptogenic lesions at early outpatient stages. Epilepsia. 2013;54: 1977 - 1987

Sammler D, Koelsch S, Ball T, Brandt A, Grigutsch M, Huppertz HJ, Knösche TR, Wellmer J, Widman G, Elger CE, Friederici AD, Schulze-Bonhage A. Co-localizing linguistic and musical syntax with intracranial EEG. Neuroimage. 2013;64: 134 - 146

Wellmer J, von der Groeben F, Klarmann U, Weber C, Elger CE, Urbach H, Clusmann H, von Lehe M. Risks and benefits of invasive epilepsy surgery workup with implanted subdural and depth electrodes. Epilepsia. 2012;53: 1322 - 1332

Heers M, Rampp S, Stefan H, Urbach H, Elger CE, von Lehe M, Wellmer J. MEG-based identification of the epileptogenic zone in occult peri-insular epilepsy. Seizure 2012;21: 128 - 133

von Lehe M, Wagner J, Wellmer J, Clusmann H, Kral T. Epilepsy surgery of the cingulate gyrus and the fronto-mesial cortex. Neurosurgery. 2012;70: 900 - 910

Wagner J, Urbach H, Niehusmann P, von Lehe M, Elger CE, Wellmer J. Focal cortical dysplasia type IIb: completeness of cortical, not subcortical, resection is necessary for seizure freedom. Epilepsia. 2011;52: 1418 - 1424

Niehusmann P, Surges R, von Wrede RD, Elger CE, Wellmer J, Reimann J, Urbach H, Vielhaber S, Bien CG, Kunz WS. Mitochondrial dysfunction due to Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy as a cause of visual loss during assessment for epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Behav. 2011;20: 38 - 43

Wellmer J, Parpaley Y, von Lehe M, Huppertz HJ. Integrating MRI post-processing results into neuronavigation for electrode implantation and resection of subtle focal cortical dysplasia in previously cryptogenic epilepsy. Neurosurgery 2010; 66: 187 - 194

Horstmann MT, Bialonski S, Noennig H, Mai H, Prusseit J, Wellmer J, Hinrichs H, Lehnertz K. State dependent properties of epileptic brain networks: Comparative graph-theoretical analyses of simultaneous recorded EEG and MEG. Clin Neurophysiol. 2010;121: 172 - 185

Von Lehe M, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Schramm J, Elger CE, Clusmann H. Epilepsy surgery for insular lesions. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2009;165: 755 - 761

Sammler D, Koelsch S, Ball T, Brandt A, Elger GE, Friderici AD, Grigutsch M, Hupppertz HJ, Knösche TR, Wellmer J, Widman G, Schulze-Bonhage A. Overlap of musical and linguistic syntax processing: intracranial ERP evidence. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2009;1169: 494 - 498

Wellmer J, Weber C, Mende M, von der Groeben F, Urbach H, Clusmann H, Elger CE, Helmstaedter C. Multitask electrical stimulation for cortical language mapping: hints for necessity and economic mode of application. Epilepsia 2009;50: 2267 - 2275

Wellmer J, Weber B, Urbach H, Reul J, Fernandez G, Elger CE. Cerebral lesions can impair fMRI-based language lateralization. Epilepsia 2009;50: 2213 - 2224

Dümpelmann M, Fell J, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Elger CE. 3D source localization derived from subdural strip and grid electrodes: a simulation study. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120: 1061 - 1069

Von Lehe M, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Schramm J, Elger CE, Clusmann H. Insular lesionectomy for refractory epilepsy: management and outcome. Brain 2009;132: 233 - 238

Wellmer J, Wellmer S, Bauer J. The impact of Zonisamide on weight. A clinical study in 103 patients with epilepsy. Acta Neurol Scand 2009;119: 233 - 238

Wellmer S, Wellmer J, Bauer J. Zonisamide as add-on treatment for focal epilepsies: An outcome analysis of 74 patients. Nervenarzt 2008;79: 1418 - 1423

Wellmer J, Weber B, Weis S, Klaver P, Urbach H, Reul J, Fernandez G, Elger CE. Strongly lateralized activation in language fMRI of atypical dominant patients-implications for presurgical work-up. Epilepsy Res 2008;80: 67 - 76

Haag A, Knake S, Hamer HM, Boesebeck F, Freitag H, Schulz R, Baum P, Helmstaedter C, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Hopp P, Mayer T, Hufnagel A, Jokeit H, Lerche H, Uttner I, Meencke HJ, Meierkord H, Pauli E, Runge U, Saar J, Trinka E, Benke T, Vulliemoz S, Wiegand G, Stephani U, Wieser HG, Rating D, Werhahn K, Noachtar S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Wagner K, Alpherts WC, Boas WE, Rosenow F; Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik und Operative Epilepsietherapie e.V. The Wada test in Austrian, Dutch, German, and Swiss epilepsy centers from 2000 to 2005: a review of 1421 procedures.Epilepsy Behav 2008;13: 83 - 89

Mahvash M, König R, Wellmer J, Urbach H, Meyer B, Schaller K. Coregistration of digital photography of the human cortex and cranial magnetic resonance imaging for visualization of subdural electrodes in epilepsy surgery. Neurosurgery 2007;61(5 Suppl 2): 340 - 344; discussion 344 - 345

Huppertz HJ, Wellmer J, Staack AM, Altenmüller DM, Urbach H, Kröll J. Voxel-based 3D MRI analysis helps to detect subtle forms of subcortical band heterotopia. Epilepsia 2008;49: 772 - 785

Vielhaber S, Niessen HG, Debska-Vielhaber G, Kudin AP, Wellmer J, Kaufmann J, Schönfeld MA, Fendrich R, Willker W, Leibfritz D, Schramm J, Elger CE, Heinze HJ, Kunz WS. Subfield-specific loss of hippocampal N-acetyl aspartate in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 2008;49: 40 - 50

Wellmer J, Sturm KU, Herrmann W, Hoever J, Klockgether T, Linnebank M. Oral treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in subacute combined degeneration. Nervenarzt 2006;77: 1228 - 1231

Weber B, Wellmer J, Schür S, Dinkelacker V, Ruhlmann J, Mormann F, Axmacher N, Elger CE, Fernández G. Presurgical language fMRI in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: effects of task performance. Epilepsia 2006;47: 880 - 886

Weber B, Wellmer J, Reuber M, Mormann F, Weis S, Urbach H, Ruhlmann J, Elger CE, Fernández G. Left hippocampal pathology is associated with atypical language lateralization in patients with focal epilepsy. Brain 2006;129: 346 - 351

Wellmer J, Fernández G, Linke DB, Urbach H, Elger CE, Kurthen M. Unilateral intracarotid amobarbital procedure for language lateralization. Epilepsia 2005;46: 1764 - 1772

Zobel A, Wellmer J, Schulze-Rauschenbach S, Pfeiffer U, Schnell S, Elger C, Maier W. Impairment of inhibitory control of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical system in epilepsy. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004;254: 303 - 311

Scheffler B, Schmandt T, Schröder W, Steinfarz B, Husseini L, Wellmer J, Seifert G, Karram K, Beck H, Blümcke I, Wiestler OD, Steinhäuser C, Brüstle O. Functional network integration of embryonic stem cell-derived astrocytes in hippocampal slice cultures. Development 2003;130: 5533 - 5541

Wellmer J, von Oertzen J, Schaller C, Urbach H, König R, Widman G, Van Roost D, Elger CE. Digital photography and 3D MRI-based multimodal imaging for individualized planning of resective neocortical epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia 2002;43: 1543 - 1550

Wellmer J, Su H, Beck H, Yaari Y. Long-lasting modification of intrinsic discharge properties in subicular neurons following status epilepticus. Eur J Neurosci 2002;16: 259 - 266

Urbach H, Scheffler B, Heinrichsmeier T, von Oertzen J, Kral T, Wellmer J, Schramm J, Wiestler OD, Blümcke I. Focal cortical dysplasia of Taylor's balloon cell type: a clinicopathological entity with characteristic neuroimaging and histopathological features, and favorable postsurgical outcome. Epilepsia 2002;43: 33 - 40

Wolf HK, Birkholz T, Wellmer J, Blümcke I, Pietsch T, Wiestler OD. Neurochemical profile of glioneuronal lesions from patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1995;54: 689 - 697

Wolf HK, Wellmer J, Müller MB, Wiestler OD, Hufnagel A, Pietsch T. Glioneuronal malformative lesions and dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors in patients with chronic pharmacoresistant epilepsies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1995;54: 245 - 254


Wehner T, Unnwongse K and Wellmer J. How are patients selected for intracranial EEG recordings? In Nikolai Axmacher (ed) Intracranial EEG - A Guide for Cognitive Neuroscientists. Springer 2023

Clusmann H und Wellmer J. Prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik. In: Moskopp D, Wassmann H (eds). Neurochirurgie. Schattauer (2015)

Urbach H und Wellmer J. Epileptic Seizures and Epilepsy. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013).

Urbach H und Wellmer J. Classification of Epileptic Seizures. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013).

Urbach H und Wellmer J. Localization of focal seizures. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013)

Urbach H, Sassen R und Wellmer J. Epilepsy Syndromes. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013).

Wellmer J. Functional MRI. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013).

Urbach H und Wellmer J. The Wada Test. In: Urbach H (ed). MRI in Epilepsy. Springer (2013).

Wellmer J. Timing of medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy: a hemispherotomy that would have prevented disabling cerebellar atrophy. In: Case Studies in Epilepsy - Common and Uncommon Presentations. Stefan H et al (eds). Cambridge University Press (2013).

Wellmer J and Elger CE. MRI in the presurgical evaluation. In: Shorvon S, Engel J Jr., Perucca E (eds). The treatment of Epilepsy, 3rd edition, Blackwell publishing (2009).

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Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Wellmer
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